As some of you will have realised, I have finally arrived back in Cape Town after 2 years abroad. These 2 years included 1 year working in London and just under a year working in the Cayman Islands.  However it has not only been work as I have spent some time in India, Jamaica and Cuba, although working in Grand Cayman, a tropical Island in the Caribbean had some perks (namely Pina Coladas at sunset). 

I am now in Cape Town until March when our legen...dary tour will take place and contrary to popular believe I will not just be sitting on my arse (although a large portion will be in a saddle) but will continue with the logistics and organisation that precedes only big charitable event.

Imraan’s bicycle is finally complete and a blog is soon to follow. In the next week Ria’s will be done and in 3 weeks I will finally have a touring bike. In the meantime I am on the lookout for a bicycle to borrow and would appreciate it if anyone with a spare bicycle would lend me a set of wheels.

Jiten ‘ they call him Dr J’ Magan
(P.S.: when you have a name that is hard to pronounce but western society you end up with many a nick name)